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nes health portal

Nes Health Portal - This case study is part of Health Librarians Add Value, a campaign run by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) in partnership with . The Scottish Knowledge Management Association promotes health care. Read more studies here.

The Healthcare Improvement Scotland Knowledge Team (HIS KMT) supports the Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines, which are designed for all health and care professionals involved in supporting people with end-of-life conditions. This support includes literature review to review guidelines, website content management, being the primary point of contact for questions directed at the website, and creating current monthly awareness reports.

Nes Health Portal

Nes Health Portal

In response to COVID-19, two new guidelines were quickly issued as additional interim guidelines for certain conditions related to the disease. Check out the new guide here. HIS KMT supported the guideline development team through a written process and made the guidelines, and supporting materials, available online. In addition to this, KMT has released a weekly report on COVID-19 awareness and palliative care. To do this, scientists created a checklist with important journals and groups relevant to health care and established a Medline search system that can be done weekly. New resources related to COVID have been added as they receive what is a rapid response from all libraries and information agencies. It is important to check the various email lists as resources are available to check the COVID-19 site on the Knowledge Network.

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In an epidemic, everything must be done to avoid the death of the disease but at the same time, everything must be done to reduce the suffering of the effects of a serious disease and to reduce the suffering when death occurs. is not possible. The Scottish Palliative Care community aims to support people with any chronic illness, those at the end of life due to Covid-19 and those who have died. There is an urgent need to develop guidelines to support professionals providing symptom management in situations where someone is dying of Covid-19 lung disease or in situations where symptomatic drugs are not available due to drug shortages. . The project has been a collaborative effort with input from across Scotland and stakeholders to ensure they are safe, effective and follow the guidelines. A feedback document is also included in the guidelines to ensure that knowledge of the future world is informed on an ongoing basis.

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