Nest Military Discount - Soldiers of the 10th Airborne Division take up defensive positions during a 2011 operation in Barwala-Kalai Valley, Afghanistan. The nine-day conflict is part of the new documentary The Ass's Nest, which tells the story of the experiences of Mike and Carlos ... (Photo: USA) WATCH ORIGINAL

FORT BENNING, Ga., (June 4, 2014) -- With schools out of session and temperatures rising, the days of summer are upon us. Summer is traditionally a popular time to see movies at the local theater as big budget blockbusters are released week after week.

Nest Military Discount

Nest Military Discount

But for those looking for something more realistic, a new documentary is showing at the Wynnsong 10 Cinema.

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The Ass's Nest is a film that tells the story of war correspondent Mike Boettcher and his son Carlos Boettcher's 15 months in Afghanistan as part of the 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines and three brigades of the 101st airborne division.

The first half of the film focuses on the Marines' efforts to establish a presence in Helmand province, while the second half of the film follows the conflict in which elements of the 101st Regiment find themselves after attempting to remove Taliban warlord Qari Ziaur Rahman's forces from the Barwala Kalai Valley in Nangarhar province. .

Among the 101st soldiers featured in the film was now Staff Sgt. Matthew Mendez, who was a member of Company B, 1st Brigade, 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment.

He said he was surprised when he first heard about plans to turn the footage into a feature film.

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"I joked at first and said I wanted Vin Diesel to play me," Mendez said. “I didn't think it would go this far. After a while, I began to realize that what he was portraying was not so much political as it was showing the real life of the soldiers and what we were actually doing... It gives more of a story of the soldiers who were there, what they were doing and how long did the firefight actually last."

If initially the operation in the valley was planned for only two or three days, then as a result it stretched for nine days. Mendez said there were moments when he feared for his life, but he refused to let that fear affect his performance.

"All I could think about was that I would make it the next day," he said. “When I was going to go out, I wanted to go out on my feet and go fight. I wanted to do the best I could for my people to show them that even though I was afraid, I could overcome that fear.”

Nest Military Discount

During the operation, six soldiers - Staff Sgt. Brian Burgess, Mr. Dustin Feldhaus, Sergeant 1st Class Ofren Arechaga, Staff Sergeant Frank Adamski, Sr. Jameson Lindskog and Pfc. Jeremy Faulkner - Killed in action. The film depicts the subsequent memorial service for these soldiers and the return of their remains to their relatives and friends.

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Mendez said that all the events that happened in the nine days he spent in the valley were the deaths of the soldiers who stayed with him.

Mendez said he has seen the film several times since it first premiered in Indianapolis in early May.

"When it first came out, they brought me to Indianapolis," he said. "I didn't expect the VIP treatment, so it surprised me. I've never had that luxury. I've always been down-to-earth. They took me and I met all these colonels and generals, and it made me uncomfortable because I'm a non-commissioned officer. I'm not an officer, but believe it or not, these guys talk like me."

He said other veterans of the 101st later gathered to watch the film, and the emotion flowed afterward.

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"Everybody was crying," Mendez said. “We were all in tears and we couldn't hide it. No matter what kind of man you are, you can't hide it. Losing a brother and friend that you spent a year, 15 months or multiple deployments with is very painful. You're hanging out with their family and one day they just leave."

Mendez was awarded the Bronze Star for Valor for his actions during the battle in which he was shot. The experience helped change Mendez's outlook on life, he said.

"I was saved for a reason," he said. “I was shot twice in the chest and I should have died with the others, but I didn't. So I think it was an experience to humble me and make me appreciate the everyday.”

Nest Military Discount

To that end, Mendez said he approached his latest job as a drill sergeant for the 1st Platoon, 2nd Battalion, 54th Infantry Regiment, 198th Infantry Brigade with a desire to train young Soldiers.

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Mendez organized a screening of "The Ass's Nest" at the National Museum of the Infantry for his young soldiers in an effort to educate these soldiers about what they may face in the coming years.

"I felt they needed to understand that this life they're choosing is a struggle," he said. “You're going to have moments where it's going to be hard, and the buddy next to you is going to have it just as hard. It's a team effort and you have to be there for each other no matter how hard it is... You have to give them a culture shock by exposing them to what they're going through in their lives.''

Most of all, Mendez expressed his hope that people who watch the film will take time to reflect on the sacrifices made by America's fallen soldiers.

"I'm not trying to single them out and say they're better than anyone who died," Mendez said. “I'm just tired of going to war and everyone thinks it's over when we get home. It's not over. They made a great sacrifice. Their families made a huge sacrifice, and we want to say thank you for that, they did it.” Earlier this year, the Cares, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act became law on the coronavirus. to get us through this difficult time and includes provisions to make it easier for you to access your retirement funds temporarily.

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If you are affected by the pandemic, this access will be offered in the form of increased loan limits from your employer plan or penalty-free withdrawals from an employer plan or IRA. Since these special loan provisions expired on September 23rd, I am focusing on the coronavirus withdrawals authorized by the CARES Act.

If you've already taken advantage of the change or are considering a withdrawal, here are some things to understand:

The rules of admissibility are broad. You can make a distribution or withdrawal related to the coronavirus if you or a member of your family has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or you have suffered an adverse financial impact due to the illness. The latter includes reduced working hours and not being able to work because you didn't have childcare.

Nest Military Discount

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